

来源:www.fushi86.com  时间:2023-08-03 23:06   点击:190  编辑:admin   手机版


猫是老虎的师傅。猫传授了很多本领给老虎,唯独没教老虎爬树。 一天,老虎骄傲自大地走到猫的身边,刚刚准备抓住猫吃掉,猫就爬到了一棵芒果树上。 老虎问猫:“你为什么不教我爬树?”猫说:“如果我教你爬树,那你们虎类不会吃掉我们成千上万的猫类吗? 还有句俗语叫:老虎不发威,当我是病猫啊! 另外一个版本:过了些日子,猫在树林里遇到了老虎。猫见了老虎,吓得魂飞魄散,脸色煞白,“嗖”的一声跳到了树上。因为老虎不会上树,只能眼巴巴地看着猫,在树下蹲着。它装出一副又老实又可怜的样子,说:“我又可敬又威武的猫大王啊,你教教我爬树的功夫吧。”猫看了看老虎,向它投出轻蔑的目光,说:“你这狼心狗肺的死东西,幸亏我聪明,没把上树的功夫传给你,要不我就成为你口中的美餐了,我辛辛苦苦教你功夫,你却忘恩负义,要吃我!”老虎假惺惺地说:“师傅啊师傅,你是大错特错了呀,我不是要吃你,是因为我想报答你,我是要为你捉捉虱子,咬咬毛,让你高兴。”“对,不错,捉捉虱子,咬咬毛,一口咬在我身上,吃了我,你的心还真好呢!”猫冷冷地说。老虎连忙说:“没,没有,根本没这回事。”猫一声不吭,可心想,我也要给它吃点苦头。猫说:“好吧,过去的事就过去了,我就教你爬树吧。对了,你先把你尾巴伸上来,我帮你打个结,再拿几块砖上来。”老虎问:“这些东西拿来干什么?”猫说:“让你尾巴伸上来是因为我可以把它绑在树梢上,这样你就掉不下去,用砖是为了……”猫话还没说完,老虎就迫不及待地说:“我知道了师傅,别说了。”“好,前爪捉树,后脚一跳,就可以上来。”老虎前爪捉树,后脚一跳,跳了起来,这时猫用砖头使劲一丢,老虎摔了下去。老虎知道上当了,正想逃,可被绑住了,挣不下来,猫用砖一块一块地往下丢去,老虎就这样一命呜乎了。



就是原来的时候猫是老虎的师傅,老虎以为学了猫的所有本领,然后要吃掉猫. 猫留了一手爬树,结果老虎没能吃掉猫


猫是老虎的老师 猫是老虎的师傅。猫传授了很多本领给老虎,唯独没教老虎爬树。一天,老虎骄傲自大地走到猫的身边,刚刚准备抓住猫吃掉,猫就爬到了一棵芒果树上。老虎问猫:“你为什么不教我爬树?”猫说:“如果我教你爬树,那你们虎类不会吃掉我们成千上万的猫类吗?还有句俗语叫:老虎不发威,当我是病猫啊!另外一个版本:过了些日子,猫在树林里遇到了老虎。猫见了老虎,吓得魂飞魄散,脸色煞白,“嗖”的一声跳到了树上。因为老虎不会上树,只能眼巴巴地看着猫,在树下蹲着。它装出一副又老实又可怜的样子,说:“我又可敬又威武的猫大王啊,你教教我爬树的功夫吧。”猫看了看老虎,向它投出轻蔑的目光,说:“你这狼心狗肺的死东西,幸亏我聪明,没把上树的功夫传给你,要不我就成为你口中的美餐了,我辛辛苦苦教你功夫,你却忘恩负义,要吃我!”老虎假惺惺地说:“师傅啊师傅,你是大错特错了呀,我不是要吃你,是因为我想报答你,我是要为你捉捉虱子,咬咬毛,让你高兴。”“对,不错,捉捉虱子,咬咬毛,一口咬在我身上,吃了我,你的心还真好呢!”猫冷冷地说。老虎连忙说:“没,没有,根本没这回事。”猫一声不吭,可心想,我也要给它吃点苦头。猫说:“好吧,过去的事就过去了,我就教你爬树吧。对了,你先把你尾巴伸上来,我帮你打个结,再拿几块砖上来。”老虎问:“这些东西拿来干什么?”猫说:“让你尾巴伸上来是因为我可以把它绑在树梢上,这样你就掉不下去,用砖是为了……”猫话还没说完,老虎就迫不及待地说:“我知道了师傅,别说了。”“好,前爪捉树,后脚一跳,就可以上来。”老虎前爪捉树,后脚一跳,跳了起来,这时猫用砖头使劲一丢,老虎摔了下去。老虎知道上当了,正想逃,可被绑住了,挣不下来,猫用砖一块一块地往下丢去,老虎就这样一命呜乎了。






英语版:The story is beginning in a chance meeting, that little rabbit at the first sight see that little tiger, was little tiger that lovely and moving appearance attracted, he thought, the future I must and this little tiger spent together, together with happiness.

So quickly they acquaint with, little tiger didn't because he just a rabbit and abandon him, but live in harmony. They immediately started chatting, laughing every day together. Slowly, little rabbit like not only on the little tiger that lovely and moving appearance, also like her strong personality, like her angelic docile, like too much...

Time passed quickly. Little tiger and small rabbit after all in different life spent busily with every day, gradually, they no longer like days, even without words, which never sometime also make some unnecessary little contradiction. But actually small rabbit would have been accustomed to small tiger, he can't do without a little tiger, he put the little tiger photos of the moving nifty put in home, living space also everywhere, he has already been accustomed to, whenever life circles in the other animals asked him about her, little rabbit always smile, and not to any explanation, he know, little tiger did not really with him, but he always silently in my heart is filled with beautiful, he believes that he is a successful rabbit, his hard-working work, hard work, he also hope oneself can give little tiger to happiness.

But? Little tiger after all is little tiger ah, how could she will habits and a small rabbit together? She didn't put the little rabbits eat, are already is a merciful...... So, little tiger finally in a originally sunny morning put her ideas to the small rabbit, a flash of lightning, ripped sky, days HuiMeng heavy, heavy with cardiac wind a baptism rabbit young hearts, little rabbit helpless, despair, he can only hear and bless little tiger. Now his heart is defenseless, heavy, bad ruthlessly fell to the earth, have no trace broken.

Little tiger has she wanted to go to the place, has she want happiness, then, she left little rabbit, toward their destination, went on the run, although she occasionally looked back. Stubborn little rabbit, secretly behind her spell with his life running, whenever he catch small tiger stop point, he always silently hiding in a star after the shade of a large tree, in his eyes, the blurred eyes inflamed islets distance looked at her, tears of sadness hot drops into the feet that piece of green grass, as if crystal-like dews moistens the grass, gave birth to the earth. Soon little tiger and leave, little rabbit still use to make an effort ground pursued, is always at each place, kept the shade of hiding from a distance, feet has always been that one's soaked the green grass...

After the way of, the flowers smiling at him for his, bird singing, other small white rabbit, small tsing lung, floret snake... To greet him, but the small rabbit turned a blind eye to all this, he didn't have time for anything else pause, he inadvertently to do. Because spelled a life after, his eyes only is running ahead of little tiger. Run ran, he felt he was no strength to run, a rabbit how to catch a tiger? Finally, don't know in their separate the day after, in which a running don't know how far distance, that only small rabbit far the shade, tired of over and green grass, is still wandering eye, inflamed eyes. Just more without god, full of sorrow. He feebly bowed his head, he needs to supplement energy, he put the pieces of green grass with their tears swallowing a bite into his belly, whiny sorrow. However food energy miniscule, tired he vaguely of murkily asleep... At twilight, he gradually up nightmare awakened, he shouted little tiger's name, but the distance has never see little tiger figure, at that moment, he put her nong4, absolutely lost.

Trees are strung with few bats night step by step gradually dim moonlight, clouds will be cut off. The world seemed just left the little rabbit, and his side are still the grassy field. Just the grass, the wind puffed up to fit company, like his laugh at the needles, like a thorn, sched his heart, he fell on the ground. That moment, he recalled a lot of, the heart does not have waves to think of her, very quiet. December the cold weather, and soon had taken him only to save temperature, he and the earth be in harmony for an organic whole, frosty...









On his way to visit his brother, Wu Song was at a place called Mount Jingyang. Though a bit drunk, he began to climb the mountain. Before long he saw a sign posted on a tree: Travelers are advised to group together to climb over the mountain since tigers have killed some singular travelers of late. Please do not risk your life. Wu Song reasoned that the sign must have been written by the inn keeper at the foot of the mountain for the sake of scaring travelers into spending the night in his inn. He did not pay attention to the sign and continued on this way . At sunset he came to an old temple on top of the mountain. There Wu Song saw another official sing tigers on the mountain. Still, he decided no to return to the inn at the foot of the mountain for fear that the owner would laugh at him. He felt too drunk to walk on, so he decided to lie down on a slab of gray stone. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a gust of wind whistling around him: It was a mammoth tiger charging at him. Wu Song immediately turned his body and dodged the animal. The tiger leapt again, but Wu Song managed to evade it. The beast got so angry that it used its tail to sweep toward Wu Song. Wu Song jumped to dodge the attack. He lifted his cudgel to hit the tiger while it was turning around, but his cudgel caught the branches of a tree and broke in two. The tiger was annoyed and launched another assault. Wu Song threw away the remnant of his cudgel and jumped onto the back of the tiger. With his left hand, he grabbed the skin of the head of the tiger, and he used his other fist to hit the eyes, mouth, nose and ears of the tiger. Before long, the tiger was bleeding all over and lied on the ground motionless. Wu Song was afraid the tiger was pretending to be dead, so he wielded the broken cudgel to hit the tiger until he was sure the tiger was dead. The incident on Mount Jingyang made Wu Song famous far and wide.


武松回家探望哥哥,途中路过景阳冈。在冈下酒店喝了很多酒,踉跄着向冈上走去。兴不多事,只见一棵树上写着:近因景阳冈大虫伤人,但有过冈克上,应结伙成队过冈,请勿自误。武松认为,这是酒家写来吓人的,为的是让过客住他的店,竟不理它,继续往前走。太阳快落山时,武松来到一破庙前,见庙门贴了一张官府告示,武松读后,方知山上真有虎,待要回去住店,怕店家笑话,又继续向前走。由于酒力发作,便找了一块大青石,仰身躺下,刚要入睡,忽听一阵狂风呼啸,一只斑斓猛虎朝武松扑了过来,武松急忙一闪身,躲在老虎背后。老虎一纵身,武松又躲了过去。老虎急了,大吼一声,用尾巴向武松打来,武松又急忙跳开,并趁猛虎转身的那一霎间,举起哨棒,运足力气,朝虎头猛打下去。只听咔嚓一声,哨棒打在树枝上。老虎兽性大发,又向武松扑过来,武松扔掉半截棒,顺势骑在虎背上,左手揪住老虎头上的皮,右手猛击虎头,没多久就把老虎打得眼、嘴、鼻、耳到处流血,趴在地上不能动弹。武松怕老虎装死,举起半截哨棒又打了一阵,见那老虎确实没气了,才住手。从此武松威名大震。 额 只有这个

a fox and a wolf were good friends. one day, they caught a chick. the fox said:' you eat first, you are bigger than me and you are my brother,too. however, the wolf asked the fox to eat first instead for he is his younger brother.at this time , a tiger appeared before them. the tiger was very hungry. he wanted to eat something. the fox gazed at the tiger and said quickly,' you are punctual, i know you are coming, so I prepare a wolf for you besides a chick'. 提供一个故事做其他用,呵呵。

The kids, I asked for a about tiger and rabbit stories in English. Begged the ⊙ ⊙ b khan, the man is English, urgent urgent. It is better to have the Chinese translation.

