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1. 轻柔手洗


2. 使用洗衣袋


3. 使用洗衣机的柔软模式


4. 防止晾晒和烘干


5. 利用除毛器


6. 选择优质围巾



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What to Do When Scarves Shed During Washing

Washing scarves is an inevitable task in our daily lives. However, sometimes after washing them, we discover that the scarves have shed a lot of fuzz, which can be quite troublesome. So, what should you do if your scarves shed during washing? In this article, we will introduce several effective methods to tackle this issue.

1. Gentle Hand Wash

If your scarf is made of a soft material, we recommend choosing the gentle hand wash method for cleaning. Use warm water and an appropriate laundry detergent to gently rub the scarf, avoiding excessive force to prevent damage to the fibers. After washing, rinse thoroughly with clean water to ensure all detergent is thoroughly removed, as residual detergent can generate static electricity and further contribute to shedding.

2. Use a Laundry Bag

For scarves that are prone to shedding, using a laundry bag for washing can be beneficial. A laundry bag provides protection for the scarf, reducing friction with other clothes and minimizing shedding. Place the scarf inside a laundry bag and use a mild laundry detergent for cleaning. Choose a gentle cycle for delicate items. The laundry bag will effectively protect your scarf and minimize friction.

3. Use the Gentle Cycle of a Washing Machine

If the care label of your scarf allows machine washing, you can try using the gentle cycle of a washing machine. The gentle cycle utilizes a milder water flow and spin speed, minimizing the impact on the fabric and reducing shedding caused by friction. Before washing, it is recommended to put the scarf inside a laundry bag to further minimize friction.

4. Avoid Sun-drying and Machine Drying

After washing your scarf, avoid direct sun-drying or using a dryer. Sunlight and hot air can damage the fibers in the scarf, exacerbating shedding. It is best to lay the scarf flat in a well-ventilated area to air dry naturally. Avoid placing it in a confined space to prevent friction between scarves.

5. Use a Lint Remover

If your scarf sheds excessively, you can try using a lint remover. Lint removers usually come with different-sized blades that easily remove lint and pills from the surface of the scarf. Before using a lint remover, make sure to lay the scarf flat on a hard surface for better stability during the operation. Also, allow the fibers on the surface of the scarf to fully recover before removing the lint, as this will facilitate better results.

6. Choose High-quality Scarves

In addition to cleaning and maintenance methods, selecting high-quality scarves is crucial in reducing shedding. High-quality scarves are made from premium fiber materials, with stronger connections between the fibers, making them less likely to shed. When buying scarves, opt for reputable brands with guaranteed quality to minimize shedding issues.

In conclusion, shedding during scarf washing is a common problem. However, with proper cleaning methods and the selection of high-quality scarves, this issue can be effectively resolved. We hope the methods provided in this article are helpful in keeping your scarves soft and beautiful.

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